The Royal Netherlands Navy will lead two Ukrainian minehunters in Scottish waters during the 2-week Joint Warrior exercise. Ukraine received the ships from the British Navy.

The navy was there with, among others, HNLMS Tromp.

The Ukrainian mine hunters belong to a so-called Mine Countermeasure Task Group. During the Joint Warrior, this task force worked with various international fleets, including the Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) and the Netherlands Maritime Force (NLMARFOR). The latter is the deployable, operational staff of the Royal Netherlands Navy. The unit typically guides ships and marine units to operational deployability.

Joint Warrior is a biennial training course organized and led by the United Kingdom. To carry out the assignment, NLMARFOR commanded its own fleet, including the 2 Ukrainian ships. His Majesty’s ships De Zeven Provincien, Tromp and Van Amstel sail with him from the Netherlands. The Seven Provinces directs the units.

Joint Warrior is a biennial training course organized and led by the United Kingdom.

Ukraine is participating at the invitation of the United Kingdom. The British escort the Ukrainians on the ships.

For the Ukrainian Navy, the goal is to properly prepare the crew for mine countermeasures operations and cooperate with other countries. In doing so, it practises planning and execution according to NATO standards.

The Netherlands attaches great importance to cooperation with Ukraine and exercises with allies. This not only reflects the commitment to international security and stability, but also strengthens relations between the Netherlands and Ukraine.

The Netherlands also intends to supply two minehunters to the war-ravaged country. This is expected to happen in 2025.