The Trilateral Maritime Patrol Port Visit Indomalphi 2023 joint exercise which was held in Tarakan, North Kalimantan, was successfully organized by Lantamal crimes and violations of the law through joint patrols of the 3 countries. Thursday (19/10).
This activity, which was carried out from 16 to 19 October 2023, involved elements of Koarmada II, namely KRI Singa-651, which was the guide or lead of the Royal Malaysian Navy ships which deployed 2 (two) warships, namely KD Badik 113 and KD Paus 3507 after docking. and welcomed by Soldiers from Lantamal , City Tour which visited 2 places, namely the Tidung Traditional House and the MCC (Maritime Command Center), and closed with the implementation of Saylor Night which was a night of familiarity for the Indonesian Navy, TLDM which was also attended by the Philippine Delegation.
On the final day of the Trilateral Maritime Patrol Port Visit Indomalphi 2023 joint exercise, it was launched from the TNI AL Mambirdan pier, which was the culmination of the implementation of cooperation between 3 (three) countries, namely Indonesia-Malaysia-Philipine (Indomalphi) with the implementation of the Sea Phase joint patrol exercise to improve coordination in water security border.
On a different occasion, the Commander of Lantamal The Trilateral Maritime Patrol and Trilateral Air Patrol carried out in the Maritime Invest (AMI) Area so far have produced increasingly better results as expected. However, with this, don’t let your guard down to continue to secure this shipping route which is a matter of mutual concern. This joint commitment must continue with various other activities that can improve the quality of cooperation and coordination that has been built so far. I am sure that with good cooperation, crimes at sea, especially in border sea areas, will be thwarted, so that the Indonesian people can experience prosperity and a sense of security from all forms of crime that arise via sea routes. Apart from that, on the other hand, I also always order my soldiers to continue to hone their skills and carry out security in the waters of Kalimantan, especially North Kalimantan to East Kalimantan from all existing crimes.