From November 28 to 30, 2022, the La Fayette-type frigate (FLF) Guépratte , the high seas patrol vessel (PHM) Commandant Bouan , the metropolitan support and assistance building (BSAM) Seine , the mine clearance diver base building (BBPD) Achéron , the tripartite minehunter (CMT) Capricorne and Flottille 31F took part in Exercise GABIAN 22.4, mutual training of French Navy surface units based in Toulon.

For three days, the participants conducted a series of joint exercises, with the aim of maintaining the units and their crews in operational condition. Despite degraded weather conditions, anti-aircraft exercises with firing of Crotale missiles, 100 mm and decoys were carried out. The implementation of chest protectors and aerial targets by a service provider to the Navy made it possible to bring realism to this training. It was also an opportunity to practice the identification of underwater vehicles, in the context of mine warfare, and the towing maneuver, demonstrating the interest of pooling this type of exercise to develop the skills of sailors and hardening their gestures.

In addition to this training, each building practiced daily in the fight against disasters on board, in the implementation of weapons or even in the performance of aviation maneuvers.