The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) dispatched six officers including its Mobile Cooperation Team (MCT), a special team that provides foreign coast guard agencies with technical assistance on maritime safety and security, to the Republic of Palau from 18 August to 2 September 2023 and provided technical cooperation on rescue and first-aid to the Palauan Coast Guard Agency, supported by the Nippon Foundation and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF).

In cooperation with the U.S. and Australian governments, the MCT conducted training for the Division of Maritime Security and Fish and Wildlife Protection, Bureau of Public Safety, Ministry of Justice of Palau (DMSFWP), focusing on rescuing people adrift at sea and towing small boats.

The MCT and the DMSFWP demonstrated this training in front of the delegations including VADM WATANABE, JCG Vice Commandant for operations, who participated in the Joint Heads of Pacific Security (JHoPS) meeting hosted by the Australian government on 23 August.

The JCG will continue to deepen relationships and cooperation with other coast guard agencies and organizations in order to realize a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)” based on the rule of law. The JCG is eager to contribute to the development of coast guard agencies’ capabilities in the Indo-Pacific region including in Pacific island countries.

The JCG has been engaging in technical assistance cooperation for the DMSFWP supported by the Nippon Foundation and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation since dispatching JCG officers to Palau as “coast guard advisors” in 2018.