On the Day of the Argentine Naval Industry (September 12th), the Tandanor Shipyard held the delivery ceremony of the corvette ARA “Rosales” and the multipurpose ship ARA “Ciudad de Rosario” to the Argentine Navy, then having undergone repair and modernization tasks to optimize the operational capacity of the naval assets.

The act was presided over by the Minister of Defense, Jorge Taiana, accompanied by the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Juan Martín Paleo; the Chief of the General Staff of the Argentine Navy, Admiral Julio Horacio Guardia; from the Argentine Air Force, Brigadier General Xavier Julián Isaac; from the Argentine Army, Division General Guillermo Olegario Gonzalo Pereda; and the president of Tandanor, Engineer Miguel Tudino, among other civil and military authorities.

Before starting the act, and prior to the departure of the Argentine Navy units, the authorities made a tour aboard the corvette ARA “Rosales”, where they supervised the works carried out. After the visit, the delivery ceremony of the naval units began, with the intonation of the Argentine National Anthem.

After the projection of an institutional video, where the development of the works carried out on the ships was exposed, the president of Tandanor took the floor, who highlighted the work of the men and women of the Argentine company who were involved in the modernization of naval units.

Consecutively, the Chief of the General Staff of the Navy spoke allusive words: “This is the sixth ship in the last two years that the Argentine Navy has recovered, thanks to this synergy with the authorities and workers of Tandanor, and to the application of the Law of the National Defense Fund (FONDEF), whose primary objective is the recovery of naval units that had lost their capabilities over time. Last year it was the turn of the ARA ‘Canal Beagle’ transport, which occupied these stands and which, thanks to the work carried out, allowed the stage of the Antarctic Campaign to be carried out, which is aimed at rebuilding the Petrel Base”.

Admiral Guardia also mentioned the repair and modernization of the corvettes ARA “Parker” and ARA “Robinson”; of the ARA “Bahía Agradable” and ARA “Puerto Argentino” notices, carried out in Tandanor, during the 2021-2022 biennium.

After his words, Admiral Julio Horacio Guardia proceeded to deliver a present to the workers of the Tandanor Shipyard in recognition of the work carried out; he was received by Luciana Craien, Head of Ship during the repair of the corvette ARA “Rosales”.

Next, the Minister of Defense, Jorge Taiana, took the floor, who highlighted the value of FONDEF for Argentina: “Each of the repair and modernization tasks added, in each of the ships, approximately the figure close to at 200 million pesos; all this was financed with the FONDEF, which is not only in force, which is not only carrying out these tasks, but also allows several things: it allows us to recover material, put it in conditions and allows us, for example, that this Wednesday and Thursday in Mar del Silver, we have the possibility of carrying out a naval exercise with several Navy ships, off our coasts”.

“Those are the tasks in which the Argentine Navy is trained and enlisted; Make no mistake, these tasks are going to continue, they are going to be perfected and we are going to ensure that the personnel and material of the Argentine Navy, like that of the other Armed Forces – the Army and the Air Force – are in the best conditions combat, preparation and enlistment”, Minister Taiana concluded.

After his words, the commanders of the corvette ARA “Rosales” and the multipurpose ARA “Ciudad de Rosario” requested authorization to set sail from the Minister of Defense, ending the ceremony.