On 27 July, the Northern Region Mobile Coast Guard of the Fleet Branch of the Coast Guard held a joint decommissioning ceremony of the Keelung and Lianjiang at the West 2nd Pier of Keelung Harbor, which was presided over by Director Chow Mei Ng of the Coast Guard of the Ocean Commission, and witnessed by friendly units, distinguished guests, former captains and retired colleagues. The names and numbers of the two ships were officially removed by the Director Chow Mei-wu, the Sub-Director Liao Tak-shing, and the two previous captains of the two ships with white paint, officially relieving the two ships of the heavy responsibility of patrolling the sea and frontier.

Keelung ship began service in the Republic of China in 90, with outstanding achievements in duty, of which 2 are the most noteworthy by the society, one is the “Taiping Princess” capsized search and rescue case in April 98, the captain led 10 crew members to challenge the record of crossing the Pacific Ocean with wind power, and was stopped by a cruise ship off the coast of Suao, the ship was reported to the rescue, and all the crew members were rescued; The other is that on May 25, 104, the Ryukyu fishing boat Ming Jincai No. 6 in Pingtung County was stopped and inspected by a Philippine official ship, and the Keelung ship was reported to be going at full speed, and when it arrived at the scene, it was found that the Philippine personnel had boarded the “Ming” boat, and obstructed the Taiwan Coast Guard personnel from boarding the ship, and the two sides continued to stalemate for nearly four hours.

On October 19, 99, the Panamanian “Xinyi ship” capsized in the waters of Matsu due to Typhoon Meiji, the ship was on duty in the waters near Matsu, and after receiving the report, it was not afraid of strong winds and waves, and immediately rushed to the scene to rescue and successfully rescued 2 crew members. In terms of search and rescue exercises, the Lianjiang ship is often seen, and it has played an important role in the 103 cross-strait maritime joint search and rescue exercise, the 105 “Taiwan-Malaysia Star” passenger ship disaster prevention and rescue exercise, and the maritime security exercise in recent years.

The Keelung and Lianjiang warships have guarded Taiwan’s northern maritime frontier for more than dozens of years, and they are not only the vanguard of sea rescue and a sharp weapon for cracking down on illegal fishing boats that cross the border, but also a good friend of the fishermen. Now that the two ships have successfully completed their missions and been honorably retired, the Coast Guard of the Oceanic Commission will continue to promote the “Preparatory Maritime Guard Vessel Development Plan” to strengthen China’s economic and maritime patrol capabilities, safeguard the country’s maritime rights and interests, protect people’s lives and property, and ensure the safety of fishermen’s operations.