Employees of the Northern Shipyard took part in the scientific and practical conference The Sea Capital of Russia. To the 320th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

The XII Scientific and Practical Conference “The Sea Capital of Russia. To the 320th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

The scientific community, heads of museums of fleets, industrial enterprises and educational institutions gathered within the walls of the museum. TsVMM director Ruslan Nekhai, vice-governor of St. Petersburg Kirill Polyakov, representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the High Command of the Russian Navy addressed the conference participants with greetings.

At the plenary session of the conference Igor Ivanovsky, director of the Museum of the History of the Severnaya Verf Shipyard, Ph.D.

Based on the analysis of archival materials, letters, diaries of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, articles and memoirs of the famous industrialist Nikolai Putilov and memoirs of the Minister of the Navy Ivan Shestakov, the museum director told how new ships were built during the war. In Russia, which at that time did not have a developed machine-building industry, this was a difficult task. The defense of the capital of the Russian Empire from the enemy squadron united representatives of different classes. The selfless labor of Russian craftsmen, engineers, entrepreneurs, naval officers, with the most active participation of the administration of the Naval Ministry, made it possible in the shortest possible time to build a gunboat flotilla with domestic steam engines.

Igor Ivanovsky’s report was especially noted by the organizers of the conference, who emphasized the contribution of the museum of the history of the Severnaya Verf plant to the development of little-studied pages of the annals of the development of the domestic fleet.