On the multi-purpose patrol ship “Rezkiy”, built by shipbuilders of the Amur Shipyard (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, USC), a solemn ceremony of raising the flag of the Russian Navy was held.

The ceremony was held on the Korabelnaya Embankment of Vladivostok. The solemn meeting was attended by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Nikolai Evmenov, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet Viktor Liina, representatives of the USC, the command of the Russian Navy, the executive authorities of the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, veterans of the Pacific Fleet and employees of the Amur Shipyard.

“Today, another modern warship has joined the fleet, which demonstrates the professionalism and skill of our shipbuilders. When designing, engineers focused on improving driving performance, as well as on the use of the latest electronic equipment and modern types of weapons. I would like to note that the enterprises approached the implementation of the state defense order with maximum responsibility, and most importantly, only domestic components and equipment were used in the construction, “said Denis Manturov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation – Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

“I want to express my special gratitude to the shipbuilders of the Amur Shipyard. The ships built by your hands in fact confirm their high performance and successfully carry out tasks to protect the eastern borders of our Motherland, “said Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Nikolai Evmenov in his speech at the rally.

“We are handing over to the Motherland another built and tested surface warship. High-quality and reliable – so it was, is and will always be. Let it become a weighty and real proof that the potential of the Amur shipbuilders is still high, that we can handle any task. I sincerely thank the staff of the plant for their conscientious work and high professionalism. I am proud to work next to you,” said Mikhail Borovsky, General Director of PJSC ASZ, in his address.

After the successful implementation of the program of factory running and state tests and the signing by the State Selection Committee of acts of acceptance of the corvette, “Rezkiy” was transferred to the Russian Navy. By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the ship was included in the combat strength of the Pacific Fleet.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy presented the commander of the corvette “Sharp” with the cloth of the Naval Flag of Russia, which was raised on the ship to the anthem of the Russian Federation.

At the end of the ceremony, Nikolai Evmenov made a tour of the new ship and presented the crew with a memorable address.

“Rezkiy” in the near future will begin to perform tasks as part of the Pacific Fleet. This is the fourth corvette in a series of multi-purpose patrol ships of the near sea zone, it was laid down at the Amur Shipyard on July 1, 2016. On July 1, 2021, the corvette left the stocks, and in November 2021 it was delivered by the Zeya transport dock to Vladivostok to prepare for testing and delivery to the customer.

The ship is designed to operate in the near and middle sea zone and to combat enemy surface ships and submarines, as well as for artillery support for the landing force during amphibious operations, patrolling the area of responsibility for the purpose of blockade. The corvette received its name in honor of the warship of the Pacific Fleet – the destroyer of the 7 “Sharp” project, adopted by the Pacific Fleet in 1942.