On the night of last Friday (02), six people between 25 and 50 years old, aboard a small vessel, called for help to the School Ship (NE) “Brazil”, 45 nautical miles (about 83 km away) from Cabo de Palos (Spain). The Brazilian Navy ship (MB) was sailing between Civitavecchia (Italy) and Lisbon (Portugal) – on a navy guards instruction trip, when it spotted the rigid hull and outboard engine vessel. Immediately, the NE “Brazil” approached to check the condition of the crew and provide the initial support, offering water, food and life jackets to all.

Self-declared Algerians, the crew seemed in good health, according to the evaluation of the ne medical team “Brazil”. “In addition, there was no evidence that they had been at sea for a long time,” said Ship Commander, Sea and War Captain Ricardo Araújo.
As soon as they spotted them, NE “Brazil” put the speedboat on to help algerians, who claimed to be trying to enter Spain when they were adrift. This is how mb activated the Spanish maritime authorities, responsible for the search and rescue service of that area. Until their arrival, the MB ship and its speedboat remained by the boat to ensure safety and basic service to foreigners.

“It had already been anoive, the wind was strong and the forecast indicated an even greater degradation of atmospheric conditions in the following hours, which actually occurred. Fortunately, we spotted the small vessel asking for help. We provided all necessary support and kept the crew safe until the arrival of the Spanish aircraft that completed the rescue. The feeling is of duty fulfilled. My crew reacted promptly and we could not scre from aiding human life in danger at sea,” the commander said.