Upon arrival in Jakarta, KRI dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992 prepared to transport aid for civilian victims of the war in Gaza, which had been collected at Mako Kolinlamil, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, Thursday (30/11) yesterday. Since last month, the Indonesian Navy has opened Humanitarian Aid Posts concentrated in Koarmada II Surabaya and Kolinlamil Jakarta.

The Indonesian Navy has prepared KRI dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992, by carrying out a thorough inspection to ensure the technical condition is ready, as well as changing colors. This Hospital Auxiliary Ship (BRS) has been painted white as stipulated in international provisions, namely the Geneva Convention and the San Remo Manual, that hospital ships for humanitarian missions are white. “The color change has been carried out for one week in Surabaya,” said KRI Commander Marine Colonel (P) Bayu Dwi Wicaksono.

In addition to sending aid, KRI dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992 is planned to also provide health services by deploying a number of health workers.

Previously, KRI dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992 had sailed from Surabaya to Jakarta with the assistance of the Indonesian people for victims of the conflict in Gaza Palestine which had been collected at the Koarmada II Surabaya aid distribution post.

This ship has capabilities equivalent to type C hospitals equipped with outpatient polyclinics, Emergency Units (ER), inpatient rooms and radiology units equipped with various facilities such as CT SCAN, C-Arms, X-rays, panoramics, to 4D USG. KRI dr.

Radjiman Wedyodiningrat is able to carry out various medical operations, ranging from neurosurgery, bone surgery, uterine removal, cesarean section, thyroid surgery, eye surgery, cataract surgery, mouth or cleft lip surgery and so on.

Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral Muhammad Ali on various occasions conveyed several events in the global scope that need attention, including conflicts and humanitarian crises in the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

The TNI AL is committed to providing the best in every task entrusted, especially to provide great benefits for the Indonesian and international communities, such as in this case humanitarian assistance.