The Secretary of the Navy, through the Mexican Navy, reports that, within the framework of the implementation of the Navy Plan in its Assistance Phase for the civilian population, on October 28, to the dock of the Twelfth Naval Region in Acapulco, the Mexican Republic Navy Ship “Usumacinta” (A-412), supplied with supplies equivalent to 35 days of support ; Likewise, today, the Mexican Republic Navy Auxiliary Logistics Support Ship “Isla Tiburón” (BAL-01) arrived today through a voluntary stranding maneuver on the beach of the aforementioned Naval Region, with 80 tons of humanitarian aid, as well as a pipe with 5,000 liters of diesel , in favor of the families of that entity, affected by the passage of Hurricane Otis.

These surface units set sail from the port of Manzanillo, Colima, with a crew of 125 elements aboard the Vessel “Usumacinta” and 162 elements on the Vessel “Isla Tiburón”, with provisions and supplies (non-perishable foods, canned goods, medicines, clothing , blankets, personal hygiene items, disinfectants and cleaning supplies), which will be donated at the different distribution centers, to later be delivered to the population personally by elements of the Mexican Navy.

It should be noted that the ARM Vessel “Usumacinta”, among its characteristics, is to serve as a platform for logistical operations to support operational units and the civilian population in cases and areas of disaster, due to its capacity to store large quantities. cargo, as well as the transportation and accommodation of personnel.

Likewise, the ARM Vessel “Isla Tiburón”, due to its capacity to carry out voluntary stranding maneuvers, allows the transport and disembarkation of vehicles, personnel and cargo in general to the beach, which allows in a timely and effective manner to provide support to the population. civil in cases and areas of disaster, as well as safeguarding the maritime interests of the nation. It stands out that the unloaded cargo includes a tanker with 5,000 liters of diesel.

Therefore, personnel belonging to the Acapulco Naval Region, as well as personnel incorporated into the Navy Plan, are firmly committed to providing permanent support to the affected families, in coordination with Civil Protection personnel and agencies of the three government orders.