This ceremony, presided over by Vice-Admiral Éric Janicot, Director of Naval Personnel, was marked by the presentation of the halberd by Vice-Admiral Laurent Hemmer, Admiral Commanding the Naval Academy, to Captain Adrien Schaar, Commander of the Jeanne d’Arc 2024 Group.

Bearing the traditions of past missions, the halberd symbolizes continuity in the delivery of values and skills by the Naval Officers’ Application School and places the 2024 edition of the Joan of Arc mission in a long tradition and in a format that is celebrating its 160th anniversary this year.

For nearly 5 months, the 161 cadet officers will live to the rhythm of the operations of the amphibious helicopter carrier (PHA) Tonnerre and the Lafayette (FLF) frigate Guépratte. Cadet officers will evolve in a rich and complex environment, preparing them to take on their responsibilities as executives of the Navy of tomorrow. For several months, they will share their daily lives between the hours of training and their integration into the various services of the PHA and the frigate, they will be at the helm during exercises and operations and will lead interactions with partner navies.

It is a real school embedded that they are preparing to live, at the heart of current issues, in areas of major strategic interest for France. The presence of an embarked battle group (GTE) of the French Army completes this realistic and concrete training framework with its capabilities to act at a distance and on land.