After supporting the Archipelago Day activities in Wakatobi, elements of the Fast Boat Unit (Satkat) Koarmada II under the command of Satkat Koarmada II Commander Marine Colonel (P) Nurul Muchlis, carried out L-3 level training in Wangiwangi Waters, Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. Wednesday (14/12). This exercise involved several KRI elements, namely KRI Keris-624, KRI Badik-623 and KRI Terapang-648.
The series of L-3 level exercises that were carried out included Replenishment at Sea Approach (RASAP), Passing Exercise, tactical maneuvers, and Flaghoist, and continued with linla to the area of operation of each element according to the sector.
The exercise aims to train the interoperability of elements of the Satkat Koarmada II, in addition to testing the readiness and technical conditions of the weapons system, as well as increasing the professionalism of the soldiers of the Koarmada II.
This is an order from Pangkoarmada II Laksda TNI TSNB Hutabarat, to increase the quality and quantity of training as one of the implementations of the priority programs of Kasal TNI Admiral Yudo Margono in the field of developing professional human resources and combat-ready materials as well as increasing the capabilities of Indonesian Navy Soldiers to be ready to face any threats.