The 2023 TNI Joint Exercise (Latgab) entered the landing stage, which was carried out by hundreds of Navy Marine Corps Landing Force personnel at Banongan Beach, Situbondo, East Java, Tuesday (1/8).

“I Order to Land the Landing Troops, I Repeat to Land the Landing Troops, Jalesveva Jayamahe”, shouted the Commander of the Second Fleet Admiral Maman Firmansyah as the Commander of the Amphibious Joint Task Command (Pangkogasgabfib) in the 2023 TNI Latgab.

At the same time, hundreds of landing troops and Marine Corps combat vehicles nimbly and quickly, and confidently, one by one came out of the ramp mouth of the Republic of Indonesia Battleship (KRI) to carry out an amphibious landing on Banongan Situbondo Beach, which had been controlled by the enemy to be captured and returned to the lap of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The thumping and auxiliary fire from the Republic of Indonesia Warships, as well as air fire support from TNI AU fighter aircraft began the attack on the beach to escort the Marine Corps Landing Force maneuvering from sea to land into the Banongan coastal area that had been controlled by the enemy.

This is one of the scenarios in the 2023 TNI Joint Exercise, which aims to test the preparedness of each Joint Defense Area Command (Kogabwilhan). Where the TNI Latgab this time contains airborne operations, combined sea, combined air, amphibious, combined land, landing operations, as well as special land exercises and support operations.