On Thursday, April 06, 2023, and in the presence of the Commander of the United Nations Naval Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL MTF) Rear Admiral Michael Busse of the German Navy, the replacement of the frigate (P/G) ELLI by F/G THEMISTOCLES took place, following the completion of its participation in UNIFIL MTF.

After leaving the port of Limassol, F/G ELLI performed joint training with Land Units of the National Guard on communications and surface image synthesis.

On Friday, April 07, 2023, F/G ELLI arrived at the Naval Base of Alexandria, Egypt, and on Saturday, April 08, 2023 conducted joint PASSEX (Passing Exercise) training with the Egyptian P/G TOUSHKA (F-906) in the wider sea area north of Alexandria, which included exercises for dealing with asymmetric threat, image synthesis and exchange of recognized surface image and anti-aircraft warfare.