As of March 27, Tromp will be deployed to combat Houthi missiles and drones in the Red Sea. The air defense and command frigate takes part in the American-led Operation Prosperity Guardian. The ship also provides support to the EU operation Aspides. Both operations aim to promote safety and free passage in the area.

Shipping in the southern part of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden has been threatened by attacks by Houthis for some time. Since November 2023, Houthis have regularly targeted commercial and naval vessels with missiles and drones. There have also been fatalities recently.

The Red Sea is a crucial shipping route between the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean. The Netherlands also has a direct economic interest in the safe and unhindered transport of goods by sea.

Due to the participation of Tromp’s two operations in the Red Sea contribute to the international legal order and the protection of shipping on this important European trade route.

The ship’s deployment lasts approximately 25 days and involves a high spectrum of violence. The unit is trained to deal with the risks. The ship is equipped with defense equipment against various threats.

The ship has adjusted its original planning for participation in the operations in the Red Sea. Afterwards, Tromp continues her journey to Hawaii for Exercise RIMPAC 2024.

During the world trip, the more than 200-member crew takes part in various exercises and operations with allies and partners. The air defense and command frigate sails through the Indo-Pacific, among other places. The Netherlands is also committed to free shipping in this region. Defense aims to have a ship present in the Indo-Pacific once every two years.

In September, Tromp will return to the Netherlands via the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean.