The crew of the defense and intervention frigate (FTI) Amiral Ronarc’h has just been formed to equip the unit.

Established on the site of the naval riflemen and commandos base in Lorient, our sailors began the month of September with a visit to their future unit, currently under construction in the Naval Group shipyards. This first appropriation of the carrier is an essential element to better understand the industrial training to come and give a soul to this new crew.

While awaiting the fitting out for trials, the crew has begun its ramp-up, which revolves around the following triptych: physical and mental preparation, technical preparation and organic preparation. The stakes are high since Admiral Ronarc’h is the top seed of the new FDIs and the sailors must be there for the sea trials planned for the spring of 2023.

The FDIs are offshore vessels 122 m long, 18 m wide and 4,500 tons. Versatile, durable and capable of operating alone or within an established naval force, these multirole frigates can be used in the fields of anti-ship, anti-aircraft, anti-submarine warfare and for the projection of special forces.

At the forefront of innovation, the Admiral Ronarc’h will be the first ship of the Naval Action Force natively protected against the Cyber ​​threat, thanks to a redundant IT architecture around two Data Centers which host in a virtualized way, the almost all of the ship’s applications. It is also the first combat ship to be equipped with a plate radar: the Sea Fire will consist of four fixed panels located on the single mast, allowing all-horizon coverage.

French Navy photo