Haïti, 21 Augustus 2021. .De Koninklijke Marine levert noodhulp aan het door aardbevingen en overstromingen getroffen Haïti. Dit gebeurt met Zr. Ms. Holland, snelle rubberboten en een NH-90 helikopter...In totaal worden er 26 ladigen met schoon drinkwater gedropt door de NH-90 helikopter in het dorp Aquin. Ter plaatse zijn mariniers voor force protection en landmachtmilitairen die zorg dragen voor het afkoppelen van de lading.

The government sends the patrol vessel HNLMS Holland to the eastern part of the Mediterranean. The naval vessel can provide support there in the event of an evacuation from the region. It is also possible to contribute with allies to a maritime corridor to send humanitarian aid to Gaza. This was announced today by Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren on behalf of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in a letter to the House of Representatives.

Holland is expected to leave the Netherlands in the middle of this month. The ship will then arrive in the operational area a week and a half later. The duration of the deployment depends on current developments.

The government sees that the situation surrounding the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas is developing rapidly. The battle is having a major impact on the people of both Israel and the Palestinian territories. The situation in Gaza in particular is very serious. Here, residents are in immediate need of humanitarian aid. Widening and accelerating access to the area by land is therefore a priority.
But options by sea and air are also being looked at. The operational details for the possible deployment of Zr.Ms. Holland are being worked out in more detail, in close coordination with international partners.