More than 45 ships and ships built and designed at the enterprises of the United Shipbuilding Corporation will take part on July 30 in festive events dedicated to the Day of the Russian Navy.

On the day of the Navy in the waters of Kronstadt, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Baltic, North Sea, Novorossiysk, Caspian, as well as Tartus (SAR) you can see surface ships, submarines and auxiliary vessels, built and designed in 13 societies of the OSK Group, Admiralty shipyards, SZ North Shipyard, PSZ Amber, Middle Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant, Amur Shipbuilding Plant, Khabarovsk Shipbuilding Plant, BY « Sevmash, Northern PKB, Central Design Bureau MT Rubin, TsMKB, Nevsky PKB, KB.

Almost 30 ships and auxiliary support vessels for participation in the Main Naval Parade in St. Petersburg have traditionally been trained by specialists of the Kronstadt Marine Plant (is part of the OSK).

Also, on the Day of the Navy in the building of the Main Admiralty in St. Petersburg, the USC and the Central Naval Museum named after Emperor Peter the Great organized a joint exhibition at which they are presented as museum exhibits, and models of modern and promising ship projects. Visitors to the exhibition will see submarine models « Amur 1650 » ( project « TCB MT « Rubin » ), a large landing ship « Cayman » project (, multi-purpose frigate and patrol ship ( project « North PKB » ), small submarine « P-750B » and supersmall submarine « Triton-2 » ( SPM project. The exhibition will also feature models of a small patrol ship, a small missile ship, a patrol boat and an airborne landing ship (project « TsMKB « Diamond ») project.