After 9 days of sailing from Punta Arenas, the FF-19 “Almirante Williams”, Flagship of the National Squadron, docked in the port of Rio de Janeiro on September 5 as part of its Navigation Course Instruction Midshipmen and Sailors 2022, where he took the opportunity to participate in the various activities commemorating the Bicentennial of Brazil and the creation of the Brazilian Squadron that gave rise to the Brazilian Navy.

During navigation, prior to their landfall, the crew carried out various training sessions on board the ship, where the Midshipmen and Sailors in Training put into practice what they had learned at the Naval School and the Cabin Crew School.

The Coastal Midshipman Mildred Galaz commented that “during the navigation we have carried out a joint work with the crew of the FF-“Williams”, where we have been able to join and participate in the different activities carried out by the Unit at sea”.

On Wednesday, August 7, the “Almirante Williams” frigate participated in the Naval Parade off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, together with 10 Brazilian Navy ships and 11 units belonging to Argentina, Cameroon, the United States, Mexico, Namibia, Portugal, United Kingdom and Uruguay.

The Commander of the Unit, Navy Captain Luis Felipe Díaz, expressed that “as a ship and crew we participated in the Parade or Naval Parade, where the FF- ‘Williams’ along with 20 other surface units from different countries and the Brazilian Navy , we were part of a coastal navigation ending in Copacabana paying the corresponding honors at the height of the fort that bears the same name”.

Prior to the activity, “the ship participated together with other units in exercises in Guanabara Bay. It has been a very nice experience to see our pavilion flutter in front of the beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana”, concluded Commander Díaz.

During their stay in Rio de Janeiro, the Midshipmen visited the Naval School of Brazil, where a reminder with the figure of the Virgen del Carmen was delivered as a present.

The first member of the Grumetes School, Sailor Armamento Araceli Castillo, pointed out that “participating in a nautical parade, here in Brazil, has been quite enriching professionally and culturally since I was able to participate in a reception at the “Atlántico” Helicopter Carrier, in which I shared with Navy personnel from other countries, with different cultures. This gave us a broad understanding of how the different Navies work. I hope throughout my career to be able to repeat these opportunities that are given to us to continue growing professionally”.

For his part, Midshipman Joaquín Luttges explained that “participating in the 200 years of the Brazilian Navy has been an unforgettable experience. We have been able to share with ships from other countries and the sailors who are there, adding experiences and different skills that they have. It has been a super entertaining opportunity to get to know other cultures, and other seas”

On September 10, the flagship of the Chilean National Squadron participated in the Naval Magazine, where honors were paid to Brazilian civil and naval authorities. On September 11, she set sail for Mar del Plata to continue her return to Chile. Journey in which they will navigate more than 14,800 kilometers, visit 4 ports and be in two countries.

Likewise, the crew received a visit from the Director General of the Institution’s Personnel, Vice Admiral Ramiro Navajas, who met with the crew of the Frigate “Williams” and the course of Midshipmen and Sailors who are in training. He also held a bilateral meeting with the General Director of the Brazilian Navy Personnel and presented protocol greetings to the Commander-in-Chief of the Brazilian Navy, Almir Garnier Santos.