A group of 29 inhabitants of Isla Santa María, including staff from SAMU and the Neighborhood Councils of Puerto Norte and Puerto Sur, participated in a training session on first aid and medical evacuation assistance.

The instructional activity was carried out this Tuesday, September 20, on board the Patrol Boat OPV 81 “Piloto Pardo”, a maritime unit dependent on the Second Naval Zone, where the ship’s health personnel and the LSDH “Sargento Aldea” taught them different techniques for first aid medical assistance and to stabilize critical patients, who eventually need to be evacuated from the island to the mainland.

The group of participants was received by the Commander of the Unit, Frigate Captain Julio Carvajal, who welcomed them on board and then began this civic operation, which was developed with a theoretical and a practical phase, to dynamism to instruction.

Commander Carvajal indicated that, “the execution of this task contributed to materializing the support that the Chilean Navy constantly provides in isolated localities; as well as, to maintain the proximity and presence on the coasts of the Biobío region, according to what is established in the areas of institutional mission related to National Emergency and Civil Protection”.

After the development of this civic operation, the president of the Puerto Sur Neighborhood Council, Marcela Riquelme, thanked the Commander-in-Chief of the Second Naval Zone, Rear Admiral Jorge Parga, to whom she stated, “we have received a beautiful gift from the Navy. On board the ship “Pilot Pardo” we carried out a training related to the area of ​​health, for which we are very grateful, “she said.