Although it is allowed to visit the ship, from now on you can enjoy the tour in a new virtual format.

Talcahuano. The Commander in Chief of the Second Naval Zone made available to the public a new way to visit the Historical Relic (RH) “Huáscar”. It is a virtual tour that is available on the museum’s website.

This interactive audiovisual piece composed of 66 graphics, which allows visitors to tour this symbolic ship, protagonist of the Naval Combat of Iquique that May 21, 1879, which after the effort made by the Chilean Navy with the support of other institutions and individuals. It is currently one of the main tourist attractions of the Biobío Region and in particular the port of Talcahuano.

In this way, those who want to know this floating sanctuary anchored in the bay of Concepción from now on can also do so through any electronic device, and thus tour its decks where passages of the War of the Pacific are preserved and a world of commitment, chivalry and nobility taken to its maximum expression by illustrious men of the sea, as were Chilean Commanders Arturo Prat Chacón, Manuel Thomson Porto Mariño, and Peruvian Admiral Miguel Grau Seminario and their crews.

Thus, the visitor, as if he were in person at the museum, delves into the past to get to know this ship, one of the first built with an iron hull and with an imposing rotating artillery piece of 37 tons, known as Torre de Coles. From the bow castle you can see the spur and the 62 meters in length reaching the stern, where the Chilean national flag has proudly flies since 1879.

The Commander of the Historical Relic (RH) “Huáscar”, Commander Julio Carvajal, extended an invitation to visit this virtual tour to know this sanctuary or those who have already visited it, relive the experience of being on the decks of this ship built in the late nineteenth century.

Finally, Commander Carvajal indicated that this initiative “seeks that the greatest number of people and those with different abilities can know the important passages of history that are kept inside, a fundamental legacy for national memory and civic education,” he said.