Organized by the Portuguese Navy from 4 to 29 September 2023, the Pluto Minesweeper Diver Base (BBPD) built the REPMUS 23 and DYNAMIC MESSENGER 23 exercises, alongside military personnel from ten nations, industrialists and researchers. These exercises experimented with the implementation of new autonomous capabilities in support of maritime operations. The 2023 edition was marked by the desire to integrate more underwater drones for the control of the seabed.

Engaged from 09 to 22 September in the experimental exercise REPMUS 2023 (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping using Maritime Uncrewed Systems) in Portugal, a detachment of French clearance divers from the Mediterranean Clearance Divers Group (GPD) has been reinforced by the BBPD Pluto and its crew. The exercise tested the use of drones in underwater environments to increase specific joint and joint arrangements within NATO. The opportunity for navies to test new procedures in the field of mine warfare and compare the melting and data-sharing performance for piloting underwater drones.

In order to further deepen the procedures, the units participated from 23 to 29 September in exercise DYNAMIC MESSENGER 23. More specifically, this operational exercise tested the capabilities of NATO’s Standing Mine Warfare Group (SNMCMG2) and its various components. The participating armies were thus able to exchange with industrialists and academics on development capabilities in the field.

As such, the GPD and the BBPD Pluto took part in the exercises to test the implementation of the Alister 9 underwater drone in different conditions. The latter makes it possible to better respond to the evolution of threats, its use in an inter-allied and innovative context responds to a need to develop a key capability for the armed forces. Finally, the exercise enabled partner navies to increase their interoperability in the conduct of operations involving new technologies for the control of the seabed.