At the ASPO production site of the Southern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, USC), metal cutting work began for the construction of a floating transfer dock with a lifting capacity of 25,000 tons. The groundbreaking ceremony for Project 24012 dock is scheduled for December.

The work is being carried out within the framework of the concluded contract with PJSC Shipbuilding Plant “Severnaya Verf” for intra-factory cooperation between enterprises of JSC “USC”. The technical design was developed by the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (part of USC).

The enterprise produced 6,000 tons of metal. The delivery of another 14,000 tons of sheet metal up to 30 mm thick is expected.

The metal floating dock is designed for launching various ships, vessels, large offshore structures (dimensions up to 250×48 m, weighing up to 25,000 tons), lifting ships and vessels out of the water to perform dock inspections, repair and painting work of the underwater part. In addition, the implementation of in-plant transport and logistics operations associated with movements across the water area along the outfitting embankment of large blocks and buildings between stocks.

Technical characteristics of project 24012:

– maximum length ~ 189.6 m;

– length along the slipway deck – 177.6 m;

– dock width – 62.0 m;

– side height -24.3 m;

– load capacity – 25,000 tons;

– maximum immersion depth 20.64 m;

– crew of 21 people.