It also carried out the training of its crew and the delivery of supplies to the maritime traffic control post in Bahía Buen Suceso.
Ushuaia – The patrol boat ARA “Piedrabuena”, dependent on the Maritime Patrol Division based at the Mar del Plata Naval Base, is fulfilling the functions of a station ship in the Southern Naval Area.

These involve, among others, the relief of Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control posts, intervention in SAR (Search and Rescue) cases to safeguard human life at sea and the execution of surveillance and control patrols of maritime areas under national jurisdiction.

In this sense, the ARA “Piedrabuena” set sail from the dock of the city of Ushuaia heading east, sailing in the waters of the Beagle Channel to the south of the Island of the States. Subsequently, under the responsibility of the Joint Maritime Command, under the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, it headed north in order to patrol the assigned sector of responsibility, in order to monitor fishing activity and the transit of vessels through national waters.

At the same time, the crew of the ARA “Piedrabuena” trained by carrying out abandon-ship exercises; firefighting; launching, approaching and retrieving RHIBs (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats); use of small arms and in the execution of firing with the 30 mm cannon. In addition, it supplied the maritime traffic control post established in Buen Suceso Bay with supplies.

After having completed the assigned tasks, the ship returned to the bay of Ushuaia, where it anchored while waiting for its next departure, after having completed the training of the operational groups at the individual and group level, with emphasis on the tasks of control of maritime spaces.