Thursday, August 24, the frigate ARA “Libertad” of the Argentine Navy, arrived at Pier 7 of Puerto Balboa, in Panama City, after completing a navigation journey from the Port of Limón, Costa Rica.

Upon his arrival in our country, he was received by the authorities of the National Aeronaval Service, led by the Deputy Director General, Gabriel Arroyavez, the Deputy Commissioner Luis Rodríguez, Commander of the Naval Command; the Ambassador of the Argentine Republic in Panama, H.E. Marcelo F. Lucco, Head of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Márcio Pessoa da Silveira and Major Santiago Gutiérrez.

The ceremony of arrival of the boat, began with the honors of reception, with the touch of the sailor whistle by the commanding officer, then the request for permission was made to start the ceremony by Major Gutierrez.

The occasion was propitious for our Assistant Director General, to deliver a gift to the commander of the ship. Then the Captain Gonzalo Horacio Nieto Commander of the ship spoke.

During the days of port, it is expected that the crew of the Ship participate in cultural, sports, tourist activities. It is composed of 297 units, including 26 officers, 191 non-commissioned officers and sailors, 69 marine guards on commission, as well as the SENAN cadet Josué Elías Ortega Castañeda in internship, and 11 Guests.

This Training Ship and its crew will be visiting our country from August 24 to 27 and will open the doors to the public on Saturday, August 26 to tourists so they can tour its decks and learn about the boat, its history and its mission.