The training ship of the Argentine Navy released moorings from the Chilean city, and set sail for Ushuaia, after an agenda with varied activities.

During the stay of the Ambassador of the Seas in this port city, the Midshipmen in Commission participated in different professional, cultural and protocol activities; among them, the placement of floral offerings at the foot of the monument to the National Navy, which honors the martyrs of the Republic of Chile.

To this was added the visit of the Midshipmen in Commission to the Naval School “Arturo Prat”, where tribute was also paid to Admiral Guillermo Brown and General Bernardo O’Higgins. There, they had the opportunity to visit the facilities of that educational institution and participated in a friendly football and basketball match with the cadets of that school, strengthening ties and sharing experiences. In reciprocity, the Chilean cadets were received aboard the Argentine training ship.

Likewise, the young Argentines visited two important museums: the National Maritime and the Baburizza Palace. Cultural visits that allowed the future officers of our country to immerse themselves in the naval history and artistic heritage of the region.

They also toured the frigate “Almirante Blanco Encalada”, where they held different dialogues with the personnel of the unit about the mission that this ship fulfills within the Chilean Navy.

These activities not only strengthen the cultural heritage of the Midshipmen in Commission, but also foster camaraderie with their Chilean peers.