The FFG frigates ‘Reina Sofía’ and ‘Canarias’ will call at the port of Melilla next Saturday 2nd before participating in NATO’s multinational exercise ‘Dynamic Guard’. These frigates, along with the auxiliary oiler and replenishment ship ‘Cantabria’, will be part of the task group under command of the Chief of the 41st Escort Squadron, Captain Ernesto Grueso.

With participation of more than 1,200 people, 7 warships and several aircraft, ‘Dynamic Guard’ will be an excellent opportunity to enhance the training level of all the crews involved, and to nurture interoperability among NATO units. This exercise intends to attain an advanced level of its electronic warfare capabilities.

The exercise will be conducted in the Alborán Sea from the 4th to the 8th of September and with its participation, Spain shows its determined commitment with the Alliance’s Defense and Deterrence Policy, demonstrating it is an active and reliable partner.

During the port call, both frigates will arrange a ‘Doors Open’ day on Saturday morning and afternoon.

The FFG frigates ‘Reina Sofía’ and ‘Canarias’ belong to the 41st Escort Squadron and are normally stationed in Rota Naval Base. After circa 32 years of active service, the frigates maintain their excellent operational capabilities and regularly participate in the EU Operation ‘Atalanta’ in the Indian Ocean.