In the framework of strengthening diplomatic relations between the two countries, elements of the TNI AL Warship, namely the KRI Kerambit-627 which is currently integrated into the BKO Naval Combat Group (Guspurla) Koarmada I, are conducting Joint Exercises (Latma) with Indian Navy Warships in the waters of the North Sea of ​​Belawan , Malacca Strait June 22.

There are also exercises carried out with elements of the Indian Navy Warship INS Saryu P54 type Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) in the Shore Phase namely OCS Brief and Serial Comms Check, while in the Sea Phase namely Basic Maneuver Exercise, Flaghoist, Semaphore, RAS Approach Station and Farewell Passing.

Commandant of KRI Kerambit-627 Lieutenant Colonel Laut (P) Priyanto Widodo said that this exercise aims to improve the professionalism and ability of KRI Soldiers in carrying out training procedures with foreign navies.

“This activity is a form of respect and security for foreign warships entering and leaving Indonesian waters. With the joint training, it is hoped to be able to train Interoperability and strengthen diplomatic relations between the two countries, especially Indonesia and India,” said the Commander of KRI-Kerambit 627.

On the other hand, the Implementation of this Bilateral Joint Training is an implementation of the policy of the Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral TNI Dr. Muhammad Ali is to improve diplomatic relations with the Navy of friendly countries, as well as maintain the good name of the TNI, especially the TNI AL so that it remains fragrant in the eyes of the world.